
What a week so good

 So this week has not been a very nice week with rain then sun rain then more rain I have had a few days of but the days I have been in I have enjoyed I’ve been to a bar to play pool I’ve been on walks etc this picture is me at Papamoa op shop by bay fear

Day tripping

So one day this week I went out for a look round animates and Harvey Norman was so much fun we went and seen the big tvs etc so much fun   


This is me in communication here I am showing everyone my family I love tallying every one bout my family course I love them all so much   


This is me making a cake that everyone loved eating they tall me it was so good  This is me at the beach at Maketu it’s so nice and relaxing there   

I’m in joying being back

Mens group we look at some really old matchbox cars and loved it  

Guys group

This week some one brought in some old matchbox cars they were so much fun to look at we played in the sand and look up how much they were worth  

Te Puke high school

This is me at te puke high school we’re we do some sensory I love all the bright flashing lights so many and I also love listening to all the sounds